Ipko Foundation
Tech Conference
Visual Identity
3D Animation
VFX & Music
Graphic Design
Movements represent the collective power of people to affect the change they want to see in the world. And in these uncertain times, mass coordination and collaboration are arguably more important than ever.
Dokutech 2020

To express the vision of 2020 Dokutech & Makers Movement we are creating a dynaimc DIY machine which shows the 4 stages of a creation: Making it, Breaking it, Building it, Sharing it. This Machine is the visual identity of Dokutech, it shows a creative process of an idea.
With this concept we represented the symbiotic relationship between Technology and Nature and our new responsibility towards it. The machine works in harmony with each part of it and is a flawless process from beginning to end.
“To prevent our extinction we must produce and consume sustainably, our best chance for survival lies in continuing to imitate nature.”

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